Author: Capt. Kawsar Mostafa



Nature Study Society of Bangladesh (NSSB) Activity Report 2013-2014 Nature Study Society of Bangladesh (NSSB) is a non-profitable, non-political and non-government voluntary organization, dedicated for the conservation of nature and...

Lipstick Tree

A shurub or small tree Bixa orellana is a plant native to Brazil but grows in other regions of South and Central America. It is grown in tropical countries such as Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, Indonesia, India, Srilanka, Kenya,Philippine and East Africa. There is no relation of this shrub/tree with our local fruit “LATKON”

Roselle /Chukur

Roselle /Chukur

Common name: Roselle, Hibiscus, Jamaica sorrel, Red sorrel, Siam Jute Bangla Name / বাংলা নাম : চুকর,মেস্তাপাট(Chukur,Chukair,Mestapat,Chukar) Botanical name/Scientific Name(s): Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Family: Malvaceae (mallows) Synonyms : Hisbiscus digitatus...


LOTUS/PADMA/পদ্ম Common name: Common names including Indian lotus, sacred lotus, bean of India, or simply lotus, Bengali: Padma/Padha Botanical name: Nelumbo nucifera Family: Nelumbonaceae Synonyms : Nelumbium speciosum , Nymphaea...

Hispaniolan Woodpecker

Hispaniolan Woodpecker

The Hispaniolan woodpecker (Melanerpes striatus) is a medium sized woodpecker found in the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. The woodpeckers habitat maily restricted to Haiti and Dominican republic.Also found few caribbean...


Nature Study Society (NSSB) Activity Report – 2004 to onwards. Weekly Meetings Meetings are held every Tuesday at 6:00 P.M. at our NSSB Information Center: 23-24, Baitul Aman Masjid Complex,...

Cannon Ball /Nagalinga

  Common name: Cannon Ball Tree(English) Bengali: Kaman gola , Nagalinga, নাগলিঙ্গ Other Common Names includes : Nagalinga ,Tope gola Lingada mara, Nagalingam, Shivalingam(Indian subcontinent), macacarecuia (Portuguese), coco sachapura (Colombia,...

Chalta / Elephant Apple

[tab name=”English”] Common name: Elephant Apple, Indian catmon, Hondapara Tree, Ma-tad Chalta, Karambel. Bengali Name: Chalta, Chalita (চালতা) Tribal name: Ulugach, Dabrusi (Chakma); Kra Aning (Marma); Jhaipola (Tipra); Thabru, Dabru,...

Candle bush- দাদ মর্দন

[tab name=”English”] Common name: Candle bush, Ringworm shrub, Dadmurdan Botanical name: Senna alata ,  Family: Caesalpiniaceae (Gulmohar family) Synonyms: Cassia alata Description: A  very fast growing perennial medicinal shrub, as...

Jungli Jhumka / LOVE-IN-A-MIST

[tab name=”English”] Common name: Love-in-a-mist, Stinking passionflower,  wild maracuja, bush passion fruit, marya-marya, wild water lemon, stinking passionflower, running pop, Gorakphal   Bengali name: ঝুমকা লতা Jhumka lota,Jungli Jhumka Botanical name:...

Blue Morning Glory

[tab name=”English”] Common  name: Blue Dawn Flower, Ocean blue morning-glory, Blue morning-glory Botanical name: Ipomoea indica    Family: Convolvulaceae (Morning glory family) Synonyms: Ipomoea learii, Ipomoea congesta, Convolvulus indicus Description: Ipomoea...


[tab name=”English”] Common name: Butterfly Pea,  অপরাজিতা Aparajita Botanical name: Clitoria ternatea    Family: Fabaceae (pea family) Description: This wonderful twining perennial herbaceous plant, with elliptic, obtuse leaves. It grows as...