The Impact of Anthropogenic Mechanism on Bio-diversity

Speech Summary:

Water Equity Access Workshop
Michigan State University, USA

Feb. 04, 2022 

Time (BD):        
8:00 pm

The Impact of Anthropogenic Mechanism on Bio-diversity
− Perspective: Fresh Water Habitats of the World.

Mizanur Rahman Bhuiyan,
Chairman, NSSB(Nature Study Society of Bangladesh)            
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The term ‘Fresh Water’ signifies any natural liquid or frozen water with a very low concentration of dissolved salts (less than 1000 ppm). But, some sources may have upper salinity limits like, 1000 to 3000 ppm (parts per million). Any water more than this concentration is Saline or Salt water. So, the term excludes sea and brackish water, but includes non-salty mineral-rich waters like the springs. The sources of Fresh water worldwide may be – frozen or melt-water in Ice caps, Ice bergs, snowfields, glaciers etc.; natural precipitations like, rainfall, snowfall, hail or sleet and surface runoffs forming inland water bodies like, wetlands, ponds, lakes, rivers, streams and the groundwater in aquifers, subterranean rivers and lakes. Fresh water is critically important for the survival of all living beings. Though many of them can survive on salt water, but most of the insects, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds, and the great majority of higher plants need fresh water for their survival. Again, this water is not always safe for drinking by humans; as much of the surface and ground water is unsuitable for human consumption without a treatment. But, those can be used by plants and animals as well, lest those have been polluted by human activities or natural process like erosion or volcanic eruption etc. Fresh water is a renewable and inevitable but finite natural global resource, which can only be replenished through Water Cycle. In it water from the sea, river, lake, pond, marsh, reservoirs, landmass, and forest areas evaporates, forms clouds and falls down in the form of precipitation to maintaining a natural balance. If more fresh water is consumed by humans than is required or if the normalcy of it is hampered through contamination due to human uneco-friendly activities, it may result in water scarcity or an imbalanced situation. Such situation may result in serious damage to our health and surrounding environmental factors making our lives tough to survival. Due to such water Pollution or exploitation, the surface, and ground water will be unusable, resulting in the reduction of fresh water level in the whole world. So, anthropoid uneco-friendly mechanisms for the their endeavor towards modernization, urbanization, power generation, use of atomic reactors, deviation and barring the flow of natural water through Dams, Barrages, Head-works etc. and pollution of surface water liberating toxic wastes, can seriously enhance such scarcity and push the lives of living being toward a gradual extinction. So, we have to be very conscious about fresh water conservation before it is too late.

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