Join Us & "Express Your Love for Nature"

Join us NSSBAnybody interested in Nature and its conservation  can apply for membership. Please, fill up the following form with a copy of your recent passport size photo. The membership fees are as follows:

A. General Membership =1,000/- BDT (UK 10£/USD 12)
B. Life Membership =5,000/- BDT ( UK 50£/USD 60)
C. Corporate Membership = 5,000/- BDT (UK 50£/USD 60)
D. Donor = 10,000/- BDT or more (UK 100£/USD 120) only

You can pay your subscription through PAYMENT Option of bKash no 01956756503. Please, write your name and membership type in the Reference option of bKash. 
As your membership is granted, we will send you an e-ID along with your membership number. As a member, you will receive copies of our publications along with occasional notifications.

All previous members are hereby requested to fillup the following online membership form to receive their e-IDs.

The following is a list of our members who have filled up our online membership form.

Membership form:

Payment and Type


Personal Information

    Basic Information

  • Write only one of the following.

  • Additional Information


    For any other Club/society member


    Only for Notredamians



