Common Castor

Common Castor

Common Castor


বৈজ্ঞানিক শ্রেনীবিন্যাস
Scientific Classification

রাজ্য / Kingdom: Animalia
বর্গ / Order: Lepidoptera
পরিবার / Family: Nymphalidae
উপ পরিবার / Sub Family: Biblidinae
গন / Genus: Ariadne
প্রজাতি / Species: A. merione

Common Castor

বাংলা নামঃ
প্রচলিত বাংলা নাম নেই
English Name: Common Castor
Scientific Name: Ariadne merione tapestrina Moore, 1884

DescriptionDistributionReport Us

Wing span 45-60 mm. UP  brownish colored. FW & HW crossed by slender, somewhat obscure, very sinuous or zigzag dark basal, two subbasal and two discal lines disposed in pairs, followed by a single, sometimes double, postdiscal and a single subterminal slender line.

On the FW there is in addition a series of obscure spots between the postdiscal and subterminal markings, arid a small white subcostal spot before the apex. UN color much paler, the transverse lines more distinctly in pairs, forming bands, the ground-colour between each pair more dusky brown.

(Amit Kumar Neogi)


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